As Holocaust museums and memorials proliferate, Center alumni are poised to assume leadership positions. Indeed they are doing just that as they continue to embrace opportunities for further research and public service. As the only program to provide doctoral education in Holocaust History and Genocide Studies, the Center is proud to serve as a training ground for future curators, education directors, and historians who will advance the field and enhance the education of teachers, students, and the public. Their activities, reported below, attest to the value of the Center’s enterprise of rigorous doctoral education.
Featured Alumni
Upper Left: Gabrielle Hauth ’22 and Thomas Kühne Upper Middle: Tiberiu Galis ‘15 Upper Right: Elizabeth Anthony ’16 and Jeffrey Koerber ’15
Lower Left: Alexis Herr ’14 Lower Middle: Samantha Lakin ’21 with family Bottom Left: Michael Geheran ’16, Thomas Kühne and Joanna Sliwa ’16
“ Gendered Aspects of the Armenian Genocide in the Experiences of its Victimized Females (1914-1918)”
Current Position:
Post-doctoral Fellow, Promise Institute, University of California, Los Angeles
“Education in Violence: Training Guards in Nazi Concentration Camps and Killing Centers”
Current Position:
Lead Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton
“Swords or Plowshares? Holocaust Collective Memories and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict”
Current Position:
Psychotherapist, Private Practice, North Grafton.
“Return Home: Holocaust Survivors Reestablishing Lives in Postwar Vienna”
Current Position:
Director, Visiting Scholar Programs, Jack Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC.
The Compromise of Return: Viennese Jews After the Holocaust (Wayne State University Press, 2021)
“Leadership styles and Social Relations in the SS-Einsatzgruppen”
- Bar-ilan Post Doctorate Fellowship- 2023
“Gender and Agency: Women Rescuers and Perpetrators During the Genocide in Rwanda”
Current Position:
Director, American Jewish Committee (AJC), San Diego
Gender and the Genocide in Rwanda: Women as Rescuers and as Perpetrators (Routledge, 2017)
“Case Closed: Holocaust Survivors in Postwar America, 1946-1954”
Current Position:
Lecturer, History and Jewish Studies, California State University, Northridge, CA.
Child Survivors of the Holocaust: The Youngest Remnant and the American Experience (Rutgers University Press, 2018)
Case Closed: Holocaust Survivors in Postwar America (Rutgers University Press, 2007)
“The Women of Birkenau: The Women’s Camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau”
Current Position:
Director, Holocaust Educational Foundation, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
“Russian Humanitarian Response to Armenian Genocide”
Current Position:
Executive Director of Chhange, the Center for Holocaust, Human Rights & Genocide Education
“Transitional Justice and Transition to a New Regime: Making Sense of Uncertain Times”
Current Position:
Executive Director, Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities
Reconstructing Atrocity Prevention (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
“Betrayed Comradeship: German-Jewish WWI Veterans under Hitler”
Current Position:
Deputy Director, Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies, United States Military Academy at West Point, New York
Comrades Betrayed: Jewish World War I Veterans under Hitler (Cornell University Press, 2020)
“We Were Called Greenies: Holocaust Survivors in Postwar Canada”
Current Position:
Director of the Holocaust Resource Center and Diversity Council on Global Education and Citizenship, Kean University, Union, NJ
Holocaust Survivors in Canada: Exclusion, Inclusion, Transformation, 1947-1955 (University of Manitoba Press, 2015)
“Writing and Rewriting the History of the Kovno Ghetto”
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Fellow in Public History at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
“Between Poetry and History: Real-Time Writings on Holocaust Trains,” The Journal of Holocaust Research 32, no. 1 (2018): 57-73.
“Neighborliness and Neighborhood Violence in Bosanski Novi”
Current Position:
Program Administrator, Educator Outreach, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University
“Intimacy in Ravensbrück. Sex, Violence, and Survival in a Nazi Concentration Camp”
Current Position:
Producer, Der Spiegel
“The Pre-Conditions for ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ through ‘Population Transfer’: The Case of Israel-Palestine”
Current Position:
Vice President of Community Engagement, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, Los Angeles, CA.
“Fossoli di Carpi: The History and Memory of the Holocaust in Italy”
Current Position:
Lecturer, San Francisco State University
Darfur Genocide: The Essential Reference Guide (ABC-CLIO, 2020)
Rwandan Genocide: The Essential Reference Guide (ABC-CLIO, 2018)
The Holocaust and Compensated Compliance in Italy: Fossoli di Carpi, 1942-1952 (Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016)
“Romanianization: Greed, Opportunism, Corruption, and Resistance in World War II Bucharest”
Jewish Resistance to ‘Romanianization’, 1940-1944 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)
“Borderland Generation: Soviet and Polish Jews under Hitler”
Published by: Syracuse University- October 2019
Current Position:
Assistant Professor of Holocaust History, Chapman University, Chapman, CA.
“German Opposition to Genocide: The Case of the Herero, 1904-1907”
Current Position:
Social Studies Teacher, South Oldham High School, Crestwood, Kentucky.
“The Making of the Aintab Elite: Social Support, Local Incentives and Provincial Motives Behind the Armenian Genocide (1890s-1920s)”
Current Position:
Professor of History, University of New Castle, New South Wales, Australia
(with Taner Akçam) The Spirit of the Laws: Plunder of Wealth in the Armenian Genocide (Berghahn Books, 2017)
The Armenians of Aintab: The Economics of Genocide in an Ottoman Province (Harvard University Press, 2021)
“Kwibuka: Divergent Memories and Quests for Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda”
Current Position:
Curriculum Analyst, Organizational Learning Unit, Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of State
“Memory and Victimhood in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Legal, Political, and Social Realities” in Narratives of Mass Atrocity: Victims and Perpetrators in the Aftermath (Cambridge University Press, 2022)
(with Paul Bartrop) Heroines of Vichy France: Rescuing French Jews during the Holocaust (Praeger, 2019)
“Aftermath of Liberation: Jewish Life in Displaced Persons Camps, Germany 1945-1957”
Current Position:
Executive Director of the Konar Center for Tolerance and Jewish Studies at Nazareth College, NY
“Living in the Shadow of Auschwitz and Dachau: Memorial, Community, Symbolism, and the Palimpsest of Memory”
Current Position:
Lecturer and Director of Programming, Center for the Study of Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights, Rowan University
“Genocide and Humanitarian Resistance in Ottoman Syria, 1915-1917”
Current Position:
Lecturer, Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies Department and Director, Armenian Studies Program, Columbia University
Genocide and Humanitarian Resistance in Ottoman Syria, 1915-1916″, Études arméniennes contemporaines, Vol. 7 (2016)
The Resistance Network: The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915 – 1918 (Michigan State University Press, 2021)
“The Nazification of Vienna and the Response of the Viennese Jews”
Current Position:
Lecturer, Department of History, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
The Jews of Nazi Vienna, 1938-1945 (Palgrave Macmillan US, 2017)
“A Dangerous Proximity: The Civilian Complicity During the Holocaust in Romania’s Borderlands, 1941-1944”
Current Position:
Postgraduate Research Associate – Historian Subject Matter Expert at SNA International, Honolulu, Hawaii
The Holocaust in the Romanian Borderlands: The Arc of Civilian Complicity (Routledge, 2019)
“A Tree For Poland: The Memory of Holocaust Rescue, 1942-2018”
Current Position:
Hartman Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-2023), Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University
“The Plateau of Hospitality: Jewish Refugee Life on the Plateau Vivarais-Lignon”
Current Position:
Deputy Director and Head of Research, Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide, London
“Disintegration: Social Breakdown and Political Mass Violence in Subcarpathian Rus”
Genocide in the Carpathians: War, Social Breakdown, and Mass Violence, 1914-1945 (Stanford University Press, 2016)
Days of Ruin: The Jews of Munkacs During the Holocaust (Yad Vashem Publications, 2013)
“Concealed Presence: Jewish Children in German-Occupied Kraków”
Current Position:
Historian, Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference)
Jewish Childhood in Krakow: A Microhistory of the Holocaust (Rutgers University Press, 2021)
“Seeking Asylum: Jewish Refugees to South Africa 1930-1948”
Current Position:
Historian and Research Associate, The Middleton Place Foundation, Charleston, South Carolina
“Mosaic of Destruction: The Holocaust and Interethnic Violence in Chelm, 1939 – 1944”
Current Position:
Lecturer, Department of Arts and Sciences, Marion Technical College